Hospital Infection Prevention and Control Consulting

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The risk of healthcare-associated infections is real. Hospitals and other healthcare facilities need to provide the highest standard of hospital infection control to their patients. This is where Infection Control Results comes in. We will provide decades of experience, and personalized assistance in all aspects of hospital infection prevention and control.

On-Site Assessment

We start with a full, detailed on-site assessment and observation of practice. Our professional team will visit your hospital to evaluate everything you are doing already. We will:

  • Review infection control program documents as well as specific policies and make recommendations to ensure that you are up to date and in full compliance with CMS conditions of participation and accreditation agency standards.
  • Assess practice in nursing units, surgical suite, and procedure areas.
  • Critically assess instrument reprocessing and high-level disinfection practices.
  • Provide a detailed written report with findings, recommendations, and resources.

If a full site gap analysis doesn’t meet your current needs, we can complete a focused assessment that concentrates on your areas of concern. In a focused assessment, we will identify problematic practices, potential barriers to best practice, and environmental factors that may be contributing to the issue. After the visit, we will provide a detailed written report that includes findings, recommendations, and resources.

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While your staff may have received sufficient education in hospital infection control, expectations change all the time. Science continues to advance, and we will help you with vital continuing education that ensures your team is up-to-date. Additionally, we will help you with new hires who might not understand your current protocols.

We will work with you and your specific needs to design education for your staff and providers. We will visit your facility and offer interactive education or provide webinars. Whatever your educational needs, we are equipped to design it. We provide orientation for new employees, and courses on all aspects of hospital infection control, whether for your entire staff or key individuals.

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Onboarding hires can be challenging. It is almost inevitable that novice infection prevention specialists will need some time to get up to speed. Infection Control Results offers comprehensive onboarding and training programs that include case-by-case telephone consultations, industry-specific resources, and continuing education opportunities.

Our onboarding programs help you ensure compliance, keep your policies up-to-date with best practices and current federal and state mandates, and decrease healthcare-associated infections. We will help you make sure that every novice becomes a polished infection preventionist as quickly as possible.

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CMS and Accreditation Survey Prep

Like most hospitals, the majority of your inpatient days are probably Medicare or Medicaid funded. Therefore, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) certification survey is a big deal. You should start hospital infection prevention survey prep at least four months before you expect a survey (surveys are unannounced, but follow a typical pattern of about every three years). Failing can have high costs for your facility.

Infection Control Results will help your survey prep by running a mock survey to assess your staff’s preparedness. We complete an outbrief and a detailed report to help you identify any gaps which could result in failure. We then work with you to create a tailored plan to meet your improvement goals. Afterward, we will complete another site visit to see how you’ve progressed or sustained previously implemented improvements.

We will also help you include identified gaps in your continuing education plan. Ideally, you should be in a much better place with less survey prep work to do each survey cycle. Our goal is to eliminate worries surrounding surveys once and for all.

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Hospital-Acquired Infection Prevention

Every day, about 1 in 25 hospital patients acquires at least one new infection. Unfortunately, hospitals and healthcare facilities can be vulnerable to the spread of infection between patients, staff, and visitors. Some of these infections are annoying, while others are fatal.

We will work with your facility to lower healthcare associated infections and improve practice, which contributes to your goal of providing safe and effective care. We will collaborate with you to develop action plans, if desired. The aim of the action plan is to implement feasible improvements that produce the desired end result: safe patient care. We will help lower your rate, protect patients and staff, and maximize Medicare reimbursement. Patients should not receive a hospital-acquired infection in addition to their planned care. We will help you to provide safe care and increase throughput.

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Learn From Infection Control Results

Infection Control Results offers a wealth of expertise in preventing healthcare-associated infections, and supporting your hospital infection control efforts. We offer on-site assessments, high-quality continuing education, effective onboarding, CMS survey prep assistance, and remote HAI rate monitoring. We are your hospital infection prevention experts who are equipped to help you with every aspect of HAI prevention. Contact us to find out what Infection Control Results can do for your facility today.

Working With Infection Control Results

To learn more about how Infection Control Results can help your healthcare facility keep your patients protected from HAIs, call us today at 704-207-7046 or request a consultation at the link below.