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Certification – is the Consultant certified in Infection Control?  The Certification Board of Infection Control offers the only credential for Infection Preventionists, which is CIC.  The Organization for Safety, Asepsis, and Prevention is working on creating a credential for dental infection control, although there doesn’t...

The second part of this series focuses on safe injection practices with some pictures from the field of poor practices. Medication preparation Wash hands prior to preparing any medication, every time.   Medications should be prepared in an area that is free from contamination on a...

Although safe injection practices have been part of Standard Precautions in the 2007 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Isolation guidelines (, 19 confirmed outbreaks associated with misuse of single dose vials have occurred since 2007. The outbreaks involved outpatient settings, with many related...

Infection preventionist, infection control practitioner, infection control coordinator, infection control nurse, nurse epidemiologist, and infection control officer are some of the titles given to the person responsible for the infection control program at healthcare facilities. Infection control professionals typically have a background in nursing, medical...

Regardless of the setting (dental, ambulatory medical practice, ambulatory surgery, hospital, or long-term care) healthcare personnel go to work every day with the intention of taking excellent care of patients.  No one anticipates giving a patient more than what they came for – like a...

Point of care (POC) or waived testing is an everyday occurrence in all healthcare settings but it doesn’t come without risk to patients.   Did you know that from 2008 -2015 more than 100,000 patients were notified of a potential exposure to viral hepatitis after receiving...

Statistics reveal that one of every twenty hospital patients will contract some form of healthcare-associated infection, whether it is caused by the use of contaminated equipment, indirectly from the hands of healthcare personnel, or by the simple act of touching the mouth or nose after...

Keeping health clinic patients and staff safe from unnecessary infection requires dedicated attention to precautionary practices. Infection control precautions are designed to reduce the risk that an infection will travel from an infected person to an uninfected person. Because people with infections are frequent healthcare...