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Washing hands saves lives. Before the pandemic, this may have sounded like an extreme sentiment. Still, unfortunately, the public is much more likely to understand the gravity of hygiene in a world healing from the COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s some information to emphasize with your team...

Dialysis is a life-saving treatment for patients of all ages with end-stage kidney diseases. Infection prevention and control in an artificial kidney unit or a dialysis setting, as well as hemodialysis provided in homes, is essential to protecting the health of these vulnerable patients. Hemodialysis is...

At its foundation, ambulatory surgical procedures refer to the ability for a patient to leave the hospital or medical facility the same day of the surgery without being admitted. There are several other names for ambulatory surgeries, such as: Outpatient surgery Same-day procedure (surgery) Minimally...

The number of outpatient surgical procedures in the U.S. is expected to climb to 144 million per year by 2023. Additionally, more than 48 million inpatient surgical procedures are performed in hospitals annually.  The tremendous growth in surgical cases leaves room for infections if hospitals...

Healthcare is an ever-changing industry. Diseases are discovered, cures are created, new ways of caring for patients and treating disease are developed. As healthcare evolves, it is essential that our facilities evolve, too. Updating healthcare facilities doesn’t mean continually constructing new buildings in place of...

The healthcare industry is constantly changing. New infectious diseases are discovered and, thanks to human ingenuity in terms of innovative research, new treatments and vaccines are created. Although infections are different from one to the next, the chain of infection explains how infectious diseases spread...

Healthcare technology is continually changing; it’s becoming more powerful and precise in modern times. As life-saving machinery evolves, healthcare facilities have to adapt to accommodate newer, possibly larger, equipment. Understanding the best practices for healthcare facility construction is a major requirement for any medical facility...

The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced an official name for the disease causing 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak, COVID-19.  CDC will update their website and other CDC information to reflect this change as no doubt other websites will follow. Research and other articles written prior...